Friday 15 June 2012

Not a good couple of days on the old food front.


Cornflakes and the lovely rice milk for breakfast.

Can of Heinz Vegetable Soup for lunch.

Some grapes for snackies

And we ended up in Cambridge for tea as Jenny had a crisis so we all jumped in the car to cheer her up and ended up in Bella Italia. I was sort of good, only had a spinach canneloni for tea.  And a Mega chocolate Godfather Knickerbockerglory.  And a Pepsi.

That was it though - I was glad I had resisted Becky's scrummy chocolate brownies earlier in the day.


Cornflakes and rice milk breakfast.

As it was another day out and about taking Becky to Sheffield Uni for a look around, we ended up in Nandos for lunch.  I just had a portobello mushroom burger in a bap with a few bits of haloumi cheese, and a couple of fizzy drinks.  I didn't have any chips, rice, other sides or pudding, and shall have a light tea tonight - so I'm not too concerned. Back to  the rabbit food tomorrow though.

While in Sheffield I visited one of the health foods shops - they have a buy-one-get-one-half-price on everything in the shop, so I stocked up on rice milk, almond butter and Tamari soy sauce.  Look out for some soup recipies coming up soon.

Edit:  My tea consisted of 7 jacobs crackers with 2 slices of Leedammer Light but quite a bit of mayonnaise on them.  And 2 or maybe 3 glasses of wine if I'm being completely honest.  It were nice though!!!

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Nandos - Sheffield

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We loved everything we saw about Sheffield Uni.  The accommodation was a bit on the small side, but bright, clean and modern - and the campus was pretty spacious with a great bar and cafe on site.  The Studen Union building was mega - again, bright modern and HUGE.   We went to find out more about their journalism course - there was only about 10 students but I'm not sure whether its because it was the first of three open days and mid-week, maybe the weekend days will attract more people, or because of the rise in university fees which will put off a lot of potential students from going to university this time round.  Talk was great though, it's not all glamorous and very, very hard work, but it still sounds fab and very rewarding.  Downside is that there are only 60 places on the course so its very competitive to get a place and those applicants that show they have already made some inroads into journalistic or media endeavours will be head and shoulder above the rest.  Becky has a little bit but whether it will be enough to get her a place, we will have to wait and see.  It's all exciting stuff though.

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