Monday 18 June 2012

Father's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day and we had a great time blessing Simon with some fun gifts.  Last week I took Becky on a mystery tour into Sheffield to visit Pete McKee's gallery 'A Month of Sundays'. We'd seen some of his art the night before in The Inn at Troway, which featured musicians and landmarks of Sheffield and loved it.  In the car on the way in Becky was talking about it all the time, little knowing that was our destination - it was so funny and her face was a picture when we arrived there. 

Apart from it being cool and wanting to have a look around, the purpose of the visit was really to choose a pressie for Simon for Father's Day and we settled on this on canvas:

He loves it - and we had a pleasant few minutes trying to identify all of the album covers represented in the painting.  How many can you spot?

Becky went off into Sheffield for the afternoon as Reverend and the Makers were signing copies of their new album.  Father's Day Present No. 2 was a signed copy. 

We met her later on outside the Showroom Cinema as I'd bought us all tickets to see a documentary about John Cooper Clarke - little knowing that the man himself would turn up read a selection of his poems and then treat us to a question and answer session after the film was shown.  Present No. 3 went down a storm!

The documentary itself is very good, and very well worth watching with lots of old footage of John in his punk hey days.  There's also interviews with loads of people who have been inspired by John.

Call it intuition or just a lucky break but as an afterthought I picked my camera up just before I left the house.  I'm so glad I did.

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