Saturday 19 March 2011

Day 3!

Up bright and early and out shopping with Jenny to Chesterfield.  Clothes shopping for the holiday.  It's easier to go with the girls individually rather than together, because I invariably get pulled in 2 directions when it's all 3 of us.  Becky's turn next!

Successful shop, and also dropped off a load of books at Oxfam to - so that was my good turn for the day.  

Jenny is big into knitting just now - well, she has been for a while.  This afternoon, she presented me with this to try to unravel for her.  I gave up after 2 hours, and the ball being about a third bigger than it is in the picture.

Tangled up in blue

Spent a bit of time tonight on The Wasting Land arguing the merits/disadvantages of Facebook with Wooders. I quite enjoyed the to-ing and fro-ing, but it didn't help me not miss FB any less!  Probably not such a good idea really.  I am really, really missing the interaction and finding out what folks are up to - which in itself dismays me greatly.  I should be able to have at least a few days away without feeling the loss.  I guess I'm rather attached to them all.  It's weird, I can go on holiday, not have any contact with folks, and I'm fine, yet a self-imposed exile for a short while has the opposite effect.  And it's not like I've put a ban on all forms of communication either - there's email, the forum and even at a push, the telephone.  As much as I love FB I'm not sure I like that it has become the primary source of communication amongst most of my friends.

Still, my internet comsumption over the past few days has been dramatically reduced so that can only be a good thing. 

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