Tuesday 5 April 2011

Well today at work was much better  and I feel in a better frame of mind all round.   Back up to speed with the typing - 29 letters this morning, my target is 18 - so I got that done easily.  Had a group photo with my lovely work colleagues for my 30 day photo challenge over on my 'She Shoots'  photo blog - so I'm pleased to say I'm keeping up with that so far.  Today's challenge is to post a photo of something green - I'll have to go and have a hunt around later on this afternoon to see what I can find.

So far so good with the new kitchen rule too.  For the most part everyone is putting their stuff straight in the dishwasher - which just keeps the whole room looking a lot more tidy.  Which is great.  Today's task is to hit the hot spots - those places where little piles of paper, mail, and bits and pieces accumulate.  There's one here on the dining room table in front of me now - look ... a jigsaw, some craft magazines, mail, scissors, hair band, safety pin, pile of sewing ...

So - time to sort it out.  On a quick check around the house, I have a similar pile of stuff on the stairs, and one on the chest in the hall.  In proper FlyLady style I will set my timer for 15 mins, and get them sorted.

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