Friday 1 April 2016

She runs!

Well.  Over the past ten years I've had many attempts at C25K, most of which have ended after about the third run because, well, it was just too difficult*

So this morning I woke up thinking I really fancied going for a run.  My self talk went something like:

"I think I'll go for a run.

Oh but you know if you exercise first thing in the morning you'll throw up!

Yeah, that's true, I don't really fancy feeling so shit. On the other hand, if I manage a bit of running I'll feel better mentally.

Yeah, but what if you throw up, just think how gross you will feel.

Hmmm.  Worst case scenario, I run, I throw up, and lose weight either way and feel more perky. Win, win. Let's do this" :-)

After a 10 minute throwing of clothes out of the wardrobe I finally found where I'd tidied away my sports bra (essential believe me!), put on the running gear and set off.

I decided not to take any music with me, as it makes me run faster, which at the moment is self-defeating as I end up crawling the last half of my course.   The goal is to just get out there consistently enough that it becomes a habit for me.  So I plodded along, and when I found I was getting too breathless I slowed down a bit.

My route is only one and half mile, but for the first time ever I managed it with only 2 short stops.  It was the best run I've done in the past 10 years.   I think I ran a mile and a quarter, and walked a quarter, and for a beginner, I'm really pleased with that.

And in case you're wondering!!! I didn't throw up :-)

I've decided to keep a record of my runs on here, but I'm not going to publish them until I feel I'm consistent enough to keep going. I'm really good at crowing about what I do, and then give up the next week, and I don't want that to happen this time.  If you are reading this then it means that I succeeded otherwise this post is gathering dust unpublished at the back of me blog.  Fingers crossed eh :-)

* I'm a woose and give up far too easily.

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