Saturday, 12 November 2011


Last year, I was reading a book and I came across the term 'Tempus Fugit'. I'd never heard the term before so looked it up and it means in the simplest terms 'time flies'. In a more protracted sense it means 'time is a wasting' i.e. we waste time on insignificant things of no value. I found it interesting.

I found it more interesting a couple of days later when I found myself under a jewellers clock outside a shop in Leeds which bore the inscription 'Tempus Fugit', and even more interesting a few days later again, when the term cropped up in a television programme I was watching.

I dunno what that is called. Just plain co-incidence? Or something deeper?

But it's happening again. Like before, it's started with a book I'm reading, and the term (another Latin one - lol) E Unum Pluribus. It means 'Out of many, one' and is on the Seal of the United States. When it was originally used after the American Revolution it's meaning was that out of many colonies or states emerged one nation. In later days it has come to mean that out of many peoples, races, religions and ancestries has emerged a single people and nation.

Now unlike before it's not the latin phrase that has occurred again, within hours of me reading it, but the meaning. There's a picture that has appeared in my inbox this evening which says 'Nam Myoho Renge Kyo' - which in it's simplest terms means 'from many, one' or 'many bodies, one mind'. It's actually a buddhist chant that is used to bring peace to yourself and peace to the world.

I'll be thinking on that and investigating it a bit further methinks.

And I'll let you know if there's a third occurrence of 'from many, one'.!!


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