Saturday, 4 April 2020

Day 12 in the Big Brother house

So here I am in the diary room again, cos it's starting to feel a little like being in the Big Brother house, except there are just the two of us and we aren't getting on each other's nerves yet. Which is good. We've both had a dip in spirits this week, but I'm finding for me, each day is different.  I'm limiting myself to watching the news once a day. For the most part the government's updates are exasperating because they have nothing new to report by way of action, and the daily increase in numbers succumbing to the virus are heartbreaking.   Yes, we will keep staying in doors, but we need to know that PPE is getting to the nurses, doctors and care staff who need it, that testing will be ramped up now, not by the end of the month and why the hell aren't we doing contact tracing?  We are doing our part, we need to see you doing yours.

Sometimes it's hard to sift out the genuine reports on social media, and for sure there is a lot of propaganda flying around.  Yes we all need to be pulling together, but we also need to be holding the government to account to make sure they are doing what they should be doing. That isn't a bad thing. It's not exploiting the situation. It's trying to make sure we get the best possible outcome for this awful, awful pandemic.

In other news, Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner are now the new Labour Leader and Deputy Leaders respectively.  I didn't vote for either.  I will however admit that I was completely torn as to who to vote for, and in the end my vote didn't make any difference.  Will I throw my toys out of the pram as many did when Jeremy Corbyn became Labour leader?  Of course not.   I will support Mr Starmer until he gives me cause not to and continue to try to put policy over personality.  For sure he has been chucked in the deep end and he shall have his work cut out.

On a happier note, I listened in to Ian Prowse's FB gig from his front room last night.  He was brilliant, and energic and just what was needed to pep me up.  He's live every Friday night so go find him on FB, join his page and look out for him next week. Here's a taster for you.

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