Sunday 1 May 2011

Peter Fenwick

Today we learned of the death of a lovely, lovely man.

One of the first people I met when I moved down to Sheffield was Peter Fenwick.  He was the leader of what was then known as Sheffield House Church, and a friend and mentor to my husband Simon.

It has been a lot of years since we saw Peter, but his passing has saddened us.  Two overwhelming memories are of an Indian meal he lovingly prepared for us many years ago. There was no cutting corners for Peter, he had marinaded the meats for days before the meal, and everything was completely authentic.  I was extremely touched by the level of preparation that had gone into it, just for us.

The second memory is from our wedding day.  We had asked Peter to do the preachy bit - a bit of a break with tradition in our circle of friends, as our own church leader usually did that.  He did a great talk though, I shall be digging the tape out in the next couple of days.

Peter was a very passionate and wise man, who was full of love for both God and people.  So a sad day, but hopeful that he is enjoying his well-earned rest now.


  1. Peter married my Bear and I 25 years ago. Bear has known him for over 40 years, since she was three, and I've known him for about 30 years.

    We were once members of the house churches, indeed, Bears parents were members of the original youth group that became Sheffield House Churches.

    It's an incalculable loss, and not just to the Christian community. Bang right he was a passionate, loving, talented and wise man.

    My love to Rita and his family. :(

    I have a copy of 'Triumph in the Church' somewhere. It was produced and largely written by Uncle Peter. I'm sure I can get permish to send you a copy if you're interested?

    Yours André, aka Wheelie/@wheelieslug.

  2. Thanks for the message Andre. And sorry for your loss, it sounds like you were closer to him than we were.

    Thank you also for the kind offer re: 'Triumph in the Church'. I do believe we have a copy sat in our filing cabinet upstairs - my husband took part in it all those years ago.

  3. Pauline, Would you happen to have a copy of Triumph in the Church? If so, would you mind me having a copy, please?


  4. I have been looking on the Internet for Triumph in the church. And reading this is as far as I have got. I was particularly hoping I could get the words to the Revelation track, set to the tune Isa Lei. Is this something you could help me with? Thanks very much

    1. Hi Anthony. I'm not sure we still have a copy but if you can bear with me for a few days I shall have a look and get back to you.

    2. Thank you Pauline, that is very kind of you. I will wait to hear from you

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