Friday, 17 April 2020


... was a bit of a write off in many ways.

Got to talk to our sis without the hands free which made things a bit easier.  The antibiotics kicked in for a while but last night they caused her a lot of pain in her hands so it was back to hands free today.  She's to be referred to the Chronic Pain Management team and hopefully will get to see a Neurologist  to see if her MS is causing any of the current batch of problems. There was other news but that's for another time.  We are getting her a tablet so she can use facetime to stay in touch with folks when she gets home from hospital.  It will be easier than her trying to hold a phone and nice for us all to see each other.  Once we are out of lockdown my first priority is heading to Newcastle to see her.

I was planning on doing a stack of masks yesterday but my sewing machine kept seizing up and breaking needles. It definitely felt like someone telling me to leave it for the day. I finally got it working and only managed 6 masks  last night but rattled on with a load today and was able to give Shelagh 18 when she popped over this evening.  She has so far delivered 200 to a voluntary care facility in Chesterfield,  170 to a care home in Dronfield  and also supplied a few GP surgeries. We are now a 50 woman team, amazing for something that started less than a week ago. It's good to be able to feel useful at a time when there is little else for many of us to do.

This morning I noticed that my seedlings were starting to look very straggley so decided it was time to thin them out and pot them on to give each one more space. I'm delighted that so far I have 3 loofah plant seedlings, 8 cavalo Nero, 8 cherry tomatoes,  3 carrots and one single chard seedling.  My expectations   based on my past lack of green fingeredness, was zero so I'm more than a little delighted that things are growing. 

My next door neighbours have an allotment and have promised me some plants when they are ready so I gave them my first and finest looking loofah seedling as a gift. These I am the most excited about as they can be hard to grow in our climate as they need loads of sun, which to be fair we have had in abundance these past few weeks, so fingers crossed they continue as they have started.  I've cat proofed my seed trays with some lovely green netting I bought so we are all set now.

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