Wednesday 1 April 2020

Day 9 - I think!

So last couple of days have been a bit grotty so not very much to report.  A bit of isolation fatigue setting in I think.  Spent majority of yesterday in bed feeling a bit shit and under the weather, so just decided to sleep it off.  I did manage to do a bit of sewing the past couple of days.  This one has been in the works for bloody ages.  I designed it from a card about 4/5 years back, got permission from the artist to turn it into a cross stitch, but then did nothing with it. Found the design whilst  tidying up my craft room (spare bedroom!) last year so waded in.  Gonna crack on with the next part of it this afternoon.   I don't really like working on the black aida, it's really hard to see the holes, so it takes me a lot longer than usual, but the black looks so damn good.  Hopefully I will get it finished before we are out of lockdown.

Anyway, dragged my sorry arse out of bed this morning and  went to water and check in on my little pots. Can't tell you how excited I was to see that the cavolo nero has started to sprout!  I might have a couple of green fingers after all!  Mind you, I had to look up what cavolo nero was.  I thought it  was some sort of cabbage, but apparently it's curly kale. Never knowingly had kale in my life, but if it actually grows into something half edible then I will definitely give it a whirl.  

Look at those little beauties!
Decided to do a bit of baking, and made some cheese scones, one of my comfort foods.  Whilst the oven was on thought I would slice up some apples which had seen better days  to make apple crisps.  Did all the prep, sprinkled them in cinnamon and sugar and put them in the oven. Turned it up to max, cos that's what I remembered you did and set the timer for 20 minutes.  About 13 minutes in there was a weird smell coming from the kitchen, so went to investigate.  The kitchen was full of awful, acrid smelling smoke and the crips were, well, burnt to one! Not exactly what I had in mind. Ha ha.   Always check your recipe before you  go, especially if you are prone to being a little absent minded as I increasingly am these days.  

Fortunately the second batch turned out lovely though.

In other news, the husband's idea of isolation music is songs from War of the Worlds. 

I'm avoiding listening.

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